Thursday, December 21, 2006

Finally arrived

Allright, it´s allmost midnight over here. I just want to let you know, that I arrived safely at Iquique (Mauricio´s hometown) yesterday. And wow.. it surely was a long trip! First, I traveled from Amsterdam to Atlanta. The airplane was like 2 hours delayed. And then, when I got there.. I had to wait for like 6 hours! But luckily another Dutch girl could keep me in company. Then I took a flight to Santiago, the capital of Chile. That took another 9 hours ;) And then I had to wait again, for like 4 hours. And after thaaat, I finally took the airplane to Iquique. And that just took 2 hours.

Probably you´re thinking now that I´m suffering from a great jetlag. Well, the truth is.. I don´t suffer at all! I slept long enough in the airplane. And today I woke up at like 09:30! So hey, I´m not doing so bad ;)

About the welcome of the family here... they are so great! I wish I knew Spanish though, since a lot of the family members don´t speak English. Especially his little sisters, they keep talking to me in Spanish. It´s sooo cute, but I don´t understand what they say, haha! They are so curious, sometimes they even hug my leg :) Adinda (my sister), you should loooove kids, when you´ve met his little sisters! You can´t ignore their cuteness.

Mauricio.. gosh, he made me so shy at the airport. Just.. to see him again. After so many months.. He kept staring at me, while I had to wait for my luggage. Made me so shy... haha. It feels so good to be with him again :) I´m sure it´s worth the money that I spent, to get there. And wow.. especially the length of the trip. He´s just so sweet to me.

People from Holland would understand me, if I talk about ´chocolate cigarettes´. For the others... I´ll explain it to you right now! In Holland, we don´t got the traditional santa claus, we got the Dutch santa claus! When ´he´ is in our country, the shops sell traditional candy. One of those candy´s the chocolate cigarettes. The cigarettes look quite real, but really.. it´s chocolate! So.. Mauricio and I are planned to ´scam´ one of his friends, by saying: hey, want a cigarette? And then the person will realise it´s a fake. Haha, I hope we´ll find a victim tomorrow, I´ll keep you up to date!


Anonymous said...

Hey Evita,

Good to know you've arrived safely and all, glad you're having a blast there already and hope you can continue that till the moment you have to head back to holland. But that is far in the future right now, so don't think about that yet :D

Have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

it's nice to hear you're having a nice time over there. What did Maus' sisters think of the presents you got them? I'm sure they like you even more now. Well, spreek je laterr !

kusje, je zusje.
PS: I'll take some pictures of the christmass tree later. (alle batteryen zijn op haha!)