Friday, January 5, 2007


Yeah, we woke up late again. We were planned to meet the Tibia friend at 1 pm. But she called us and said that she would visit her grandpa at the hospital. So we would meet later, at 4 pm.

After we had dinner, we realised we had 5 minutes left to go to the shopping mall, to meet there. So we rushed a bit. When we arrived she wasn´t there yet, she was still in the hospital. Mauricio and I decided to play some games in the gamehall, it was fun :)

Then we waited outside for the Tibia friend, Camilla, and her sister. They finally arrived and we greeted each other. We decided to go shop a bit, but after a while we realised the prices aren´t ¨really low¨. Camilla talked about downtown, the clothes are cheaper over there, since they are mostly produced in Chile itself. So we walked to Mauricio´s house, to get the car. On the tiles, we saw a very new Mickey Mouse version a la George Bush.

When we got into the car, Mauricio´s mom asked us to pick up the small swimming pool, which was repared at an uncle´s place. So, after picking up the swimming pool, we finally drove downtown. And over there.. ¨Houston, we got a problem¨. There seemed to be something sticky on the backseats of the car. Camilla was wearing a white pants, and the sticky stuff got onto the backpart of her pants. We tried to hide it with my green bag, but it didn´t really work. So we drove to her house, to change the pants.

Then we finally got back and went to shop some. Each one of us bought an icecream, only Mauricio preferred some sorta fruit juice. I guess I´m the only one who bought clothes. Just 1 sweet purple shirt. Maybe I could make a picture of it later.

Later, we drove back to Camilla´s house and said goodbye. I think we had a nice time :)

Mauricio and I went home, where we stayed for a while. Then we went to his friends, for some sorta meeting. We met at the internet cafe. There were some people, who also played Tibia. But they play in another server, called Nova. His friends were planned to go to the beach. They all were supposed to go walk.

Mauricio and I decided to go by car. Near the beach, you got those kinda cafes. We went there to eat a hotdog.. and hey, it´s really delicious! And we also saw DragonballZ on TV, haha.

Then we went to his friends, at the beach. And talked a bit. We tried to scare seagulls, but they were hard to find. Or the straydogs found them before I did.. (Bad dog!) His friends were all very kind with me, just very ¨open¨. And ofcourse they wanted to learn bad Dutch words ;)

Around 3 AM, we all got sorta tired. We brought a girl home. I think her name is Carlinja (if I didn´t miss-spell it). One of his friends asked Mauricio if he would be able to see me again, while going out (as example). Sure, that´s fine by me :)

Today we´re gonna shop a little bit more, just a little bit! I don´t want him to suffer, haha! And perhaps I´ll meet one of his friends, called David.

Bye bye people!

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